
Weekly Wrap Up


Sometimes being tucked up in your bed early on a Friday night is the best place to be, especially when it’s freezing cold and it has been a long, busy week.

Things I am loving right now;

  1. That I finished and submitted my law assignment when I was so close to throwing in the towel on this one.  It may not be an A+ but I know it will pass well.  I have never had so much trouble getting my assignments done as I did last semester – major writers block.
  2. Following from (1)  I am loving that semester 2 has just begun – new beginnings are always good for resetting your schedule and your head, and seeing as I did not study AT ALL last semester I am looking forward to getting my head back in the books.  I am wondering how hard this is going to be now that I am working as well as studying and mama-ing and wife-ing.
  3. I am loving my new Acer Aspire One Netbook, it is just straight up hot.  Or cute, whatever, it is definately a midget.  It weighs less than 1kg, has 1gig of ram (which is fine as it’s running XP not Vista), 100 gig HD and the processor  speed is just fine.  Yeah so I spent my first paycheck on a new laptop, but at least it will be well loved and well used.
  4. I am loving three songs this week for different reasons;  the first is Modest Mouse’s Polar Opposites.  Dave has almost nailed it on the ukulele and has visions of us performing it in some uber cool cafe – but deep down we all know that I can’t sing.  This song has one of the best lines ever in it, I think Bush should get this tattooed up her leg or something “I’m trying to drink away the part of the day that I cannot sleep away”, listen [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCf4YzlSPy0].  Ok next up is kiwi Liam Finn and aussie folk singer Eliza Jane with Long Way to Go, this track is amazing, a MUST listen.  No youtube listing but you can take her for a spin here on Liam Finn’s mygheyspace pageDSC08506.jpg image by liamdupa.
  5. Ok, finally….a bit of a renaissance track, a bit of an oldy but a goody….yeah right, I will admit here and now that I am loving Kelly Clarkson’s Behind these Hazel Eyes.  It was really good to listen to really loudly on my headphones when I was plodding away at my assignment edits on Monday night.  Hiss and boo all you want but I know you’ve all got your shameful little music secrets, your Alanis Morisettes or your Alison Moyets –  question is are you game enough to admit them?


Finally, I am loving that I came home from work today after picking up Ethan and having dinner with Mum and Dad and the house was spotless.  Bathroom cleaned, floors vacuumed and mopped, beds made.  It was bliss.  Thanks Dave, I love you!

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