The weather in Aucks {and the rest of New Zealand} has been totally shit lately. Super cold, windy enough to blow one of our huge palms over and rainy rainy rainy. Hate. Every time I wear these boots I think “this HAS to be the last time I wear these guys in 2012”. But they always pop out of the closet for one last cameo. What’s weird about this outfit is that the night after I wore it, I was flicking through my Pinterest Boards when I came across this pin – obviously the outfit had been filed in my subconscious for future inspiration!
I was also inspired by Kelly’s Preppy outfit post last week – loving this style, it’s very ‘me’…….somedays lol.
This outfit was definitely warm and cosy but I STILL had to layer up with my pea coat before we went out to dinner! Brrrrrr.
Boots: Country Road, Thrifted
Leggings: MAX
Shirt: Levis
Jersey: Country Road
Oct 24, 2012 9:50 pm
Love, love, love. And with those boots I can understand why the keep making an appearance. Yum.
Oct 24, 2012 10:57 pm
Love this, you look so comfortable and styley. The wee peep of socks at the top of the boots looks a bit cheeky and fun x
Oct 24, 2012 11:31 pm
I hear you! The weather has been the pits! And I'm having no trouble dressing like the Northerners in fall to keep warm – thank you so much for featuring my pic xo
I loved your competition entry BTW – fingers crossed for you. Maybe one day we should get together and talk about a blogging event for Aklders?
Oct 25, 2012 1:31 am
Shut up. You have read my mind!
Oct 25, 2012 12:44 am
Love the use of layering and the textures in the jersey! Also love the pinterest has entered your subconscious – spooky!! 😉