This outfit really didn’t pan out that well and my photographer is losing interest in me as a model {translated as he just wants to take silly face pictures of himself}. I think this skirt needs to be saved for summer with a tank top or fitted t-shirt, the cardy combined with a past the knee pencil skirt really gives me a Nana look I wasn’t really shooting for. Hmmpppff. At least my nails look good!
CARDY: Country Road Merino
SHIRT: Glassons Peter Pan collar blouse
SKIRT: Country Road
SHOES: Sperry Topsiders

Sep 19, 2012 11:02 pm
I think it's a cute outfit – the colours definitely take you out of the nana-librarian range! Your nails DO look good…I need to paint mine.
Sep 20, 2012 3:46 am
I love the colours too, and am a big fan of the stripey skirt! You are rockin' it. I think the Peter Pan collar is maybe adding a 'youthful' touch to tone down the nana-ness? They're in right now, right? (Says someone who doesn't really ever know what's 'in'…)
Sep 20, 2012 8:00 pm
Love the colours and the stripes together. I also think the peter pan styled collar is so cute. Thanks for joining in again and great nails – very impressed I am impressed just to get mine painted and you have extra bling! (cute little face joining in too!)