After the week from hell I took a chance on Thursday and drove into the city to wait for my visa on the off-chance it would be ready for pickup before I actually received the notification email. My mates at the US embassy’s call centre in India couldn’t tell by looking at my profile what the status of my application was. I was on my own.
The gamble paid off though, the chap at the pickup location had a magic list; the list had my name on it! He told me to come back at 4pm to pick up the goods.
I knew my luck was turning around as there was a Mexican Restaurant next door where I celebrated with carne asada tacos and a marguerita to die for.
I was stuck in traffic on the nor-western and I realized that with some swift driving I could make the 9.30 flight. By swift I mean had to get home in rush hour traffic, book my flight, book long term parking, finish packing, feed and settle 4 dogs, shower and get on the road for the 40 minute drive to the airport in 1hr 25 minutes.
I did it. With no speeding tickets that I know of.
The flight to LA was lovely. I slept for 7 hours after some wines and a little blue pill!
The final hurdle was waiting in LA, I had to clear Homeland Security with a deportation on my record! I joked with the first customs man and told him I would be his difficult passenger of the day. He was so nice and reassured me that I would be fine – though I did have to go to the Secondary Interview Room. That was palm sweaty stuff. Scary. Right before my turn they sent an old Spanish lady back to where she came from.
I was asked (with the most incredulous tone) “Do you really no longer wish to be a resident?”. Crazy but true I replied.
I made it through and my luck continued as I was able to purchase the last seat on the last flight to Chicago!
Amaze. I can’t believe I get to see my brother walk down the aisle and I made it with 24hrs to spare! (extra bonus; nice man across the row from me gave all the girls around him drinks coupons! Yus free wine!).
Aug 4, 2012 10:51 am
I told you you had good luck!