Insects are GO at the moment!

It is a rare day indeed when Ethan stops what he is doing at Kindy and takes some time to paint.  That’s why each of these little masterpieces is so special! Follow


Today whilst perusing the meat cabinet in Foodtown, a butcher walked past Ethan and I.  Ethan turned and checked him out, turned to me and said “Momma, that man is a meat technician”.  As the shoppers around us giggled and then stared (pics to follow) I said, “yes son, he is a meat technician”.  I was actually yelling in my …

Play-doh painting Finger painting with glittery-goo Follow

Ethan’s Art Work

This depicts Ethan’s dog Louie, created at the wood-work bench. This number was painted on Wed 20 July, painted using toy cars for brushes! This my favourite to date, Ethan (left) is Paul the Ball from the TV show the Shapies and mummy is Starry Star. Another fav, this was painted using rolling pins with different shapes stuck to them. …

Grandad’s Shed

When I picked Ethan up from his first day back at kindy, he was just about busting at the seams to tell me about the collage he had made of his Grandad’s NEW SHED, the sides are even true to colour!  (The little box to the left is Nana’s house, indicating the sheer size of the shed in Ethan’s mind); …

Ethan’s Art

My son is awesome and he loves to draw sharks, check it out; Follow