
Friday – pretty low key


…..but I made it through.

I went to work and picked Ethan up from kindy at lunch time and shopped for Halloween party snacks and face paint and pumpkins and came home and carved my first Jack ‘O Lantern and painted my first Cheetah face and picked up dinner for my parents and went to their house so Ethan could Trick or Treat and played in the paddock with the dogs and enjoyed a lovely dinner and came home and put the boy to bed and cleaned up the pumpkin mess and did the laundry and watched ANTM and cleaned the rest of the house……..and NOW this…..in bed.  Life is good xxxx.


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  1. Nov 4, 2009 4:56 pm

    needs more periods.

  2. Nov 4, 2009 6:22 pm

    Really. Nathan. Thank. You.