Top Mummy Blog new Zealand Top Halloween Decor

Halloween 2015 | #thescarehouse

It’s about this time every year that Ye Ole debate starts, you know, the one that starts with this gem; “ugh, I HATE Halloween, it’s so American humpfff”. Yeah well, I pooh-pooh those haters and say BRING ON HALLOWEEN!  Here are my Top 5 reasons for getting down with Halloween; Wearing costumes is fun and kids LOVE it!  Dressing up in a pumpkin suit …

Halloween 2014…….was a week ago, I realize this!

For the first time in like, ever {or maybe 3 or 4 years} Dave was home from work on time to go Trick or Treating with us last Friday.  I think this is possibly due to the cute factor being multiplied considerably this year by #2 being able to wear his big brothers FIRST EVER HALLOWEEN COSTUME!  Some families pass …