
Mummy Diaries | I’m taking the day off


Oh this just made me cry.  It’s short and it’s probably oh so familiar to you stay at home Mum’s and Dads out there.

I watched that beautiful video as I was deciding between writing a Things I’m Loving post {full of beautiful pics and happy, glossy words} and this post which is just the story of how things unravelled last night in approximately 25 minutes.

Dave arrives home tomorrow from two weeks working in Japan and Hong Kong.  Despite all expectations, mine included, things have been just fine.  Ethan, with end of year exhaustion and general 9yo malaise, can sometimes be very *trying* at home.  He is one of those kids who is P E R F E C T at school, extracurricular activities, at friends house etc and saves up all of his naughtiness to unleash upon us at home, usually concentrated between the hours of 5.30 and 8pm!  He has however, been awesome while his Dad has been away and God, do I love him for that!

So yesterday was just a typical day, 4km walk with Mum and the dogs in the morning, housework, meeting a lady who had purchased something form me online, another 3km charge back to school to watch folk dancing, the afternoon tea routine, putting the baby down for naps …….. this actually happened at around 4pm, so I thought, I will just put my feet up and sit down on the bed and check emails for a few minutes…….I woke up at 4.55pm.  I never nap during the day.  Ever.  Did I mention I am totally exhausted?  Ethan had to be at touch rugby in 5 minutes so I got him out the door in a very calm rush and a roar and he walked to the field which is just the next street over.

Check!  Things are ok, I only lost an hour to sleep.  Bed still wasn’t made, hadn’t found a minute for a shower but had my own touch game at 6.15 so wasn’t too worried about that.  Once Nixon had acclimated to all of the cheering on the sidelines, he survived playing pass the baby during my game and our team had our first win out of grading!  This was kind of a big deal as our team generally doesn’t win many games.  I did manage to fall backwards and twist my ankle badly down a rabbit hole but shook it off and played on.

Up to the club for a celebratory cider with my wonderful team mates, Ethan was fed – by fed I mean I threw $10 at him and told him to buy himself a lovely fried dinner from the club kitchen but to offset it he could only buy diet soda, that works right?

I then walked home with the kids to meet a friend who was picking up a computer from me for her daughter.  Sorted them out, got E showered, baby fed and in bed and was about to lay down with Ethan for some quiet time before lights out.

I was putting our touch boots back in the shoe bin outside and managed to carve every inch of skin off the back of my heel, 1cm deep in places,  as the screen door closed on my foot.  I hopped to the bathroom (on my freshly sprained ankle) and collapsed on the floor, blood pissing out everywhere and called Ethan for help, trying not to cry because that would just upset E even more than all of the blood..  Cue baby meltdown {he has been a menace to settle at night since his 5 month imms on Wednesday}.  Ethan helped patch me up, baby all the while screaming his head off in his cot, and suggested that quiet time be postponed and he go straight to bed.  Bless his little heart.

So, the dogs got fed at 9.30, I managed to take a shower at 10 and put myself to bed with a glass of wine.  Dinner?  Forget it.

It was quite a shitty night to tell the truth.  I felt like losing it and crying myself to sleep {at least until 11.30, 3 and 5} when the baby woke wtf.  But, I didn’t.  I soldiered on, remembered to take the wine out of the freezer before it exploded and woke up this morning to do it all again.

Yay for Friday! How was your day?


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  1. Dec 13, 2013 1:38 pm

    Yay for Dave coming home. You need some time out! I can totally sympathise with this post, and hope things are going better today. Isn't amazing how quickly your mood can turn around?

    Yesterday I was having such a shitty time (end of year issues here), but it ended with scootering home with my 5 year old from another Christmas event. Highlight of the week – and I hope you get that today! The whole country is screaming out for a long lazy Christmas break!

  2. Dec 13, 2013 4:07 pm

    I planned to have a quick do-it-all-and-go-home morning, but instead ended up crying in a pharmacy in town today. Why?

    I drove to med. laboratory this morning to get my pregnancy bloods done. There was a long queue, so I waited (for quite a while, too!), all whilst reading books to my kid. A mom next to me was feeding her 2-year-old snacks, but I – as I had planned to be in and out in 10 minutes – didn't even have any. He got grizzly. I got tired.

    Next, a trip to the store to get my kid some snacks to "tide him over" for a trip home. I was feeling hopeful we'd be out soon, except… when I got to the pahrmacy to get my drugs, they told me they were out of one particular type and I needed to go see my GP.

    Another wait, now at the medical centre. The kid was grizzly, ran around the waiting room and pulled pillows off benches, I was half-trying to keep him in check and half-ready to simply sit down and cry because of how tired I was.

    Finally, I saw my GP and got the prescription sorted. (Believe it or not, there is a national shortage of a certain hayfever drug! And being pregnant there aren't many I'm allowed to begin with, so she couldn't just prescribe me something else instead without discussing the options first.)

    Then I went back to the pharmacy and they… STARTED filling my long prescription because having had a problem on the first one they didn't even pack any of the other drugs, so I had to sit there with my kid who was sleepy and grizzly and hungry all at the same time, I think, whilst they were sorting out prescriptions for me and the four people ahead of me. Yay.

    And then when the pharmacist started telling me that my GP must've made a mistake on the prescription (which I assume is not really a typo but my GP trying to get me more drugs at once so I don't have to come to town for a new prescription every two weeks), I just started crying at his counter telling him I am really tired and can I just please go home now…

    It took me over two hours to get my blood tested and drugs from the pharmacy, and I was knackered to begin with because of how little sleep I got the night before, so yeah, your evening sounds worse, actually, but nevertheless I am now laying on a sofa here and my kid has a handful of chalks which he is painting my face with, but I don't even stop him because all I want to do is just quietly lay here and sleep (which I can't, because the kid isn't sleeping), so I'm typing and he's chalking my face and I'm, like, please can it be bedtime already…

    So. Effin'. Tired.

  3. Dec 13, 2013 6:45 pm

    Oh this time of year… so exciting and fun, so stressfull and endlessly tiring being the end not to mention all the added things such as other halves away… Well done for hanging in there and digging deep for today – hope it's been much much better x