One of my {small} goals for this year is to master the 6am wake-up. I am never late in the mornings but a crazy rush out of the house often involving multiple re-entries to retrieve locked-in dogs/keys/phone etc is not a graceful way to start the day.
So, as I return back to work this morning after a long weekend I did it! I got up early, showered, dressed, MADE MY BED, got breakfast ready for E, packed my lunch ………. all the while creeping around because Ethan is still asleep. 8.17am and E is snoring his head off.
So I will now back the truck out, load up and throw his breakfast in a tupperware while he sleeps and exit in a whirlwind once he wakes.
The lesson here is that even the best made plans are laid to waste in the wake of a sleeping child!