Ethan on Religion

Ethan was 2.5 when he began attending a Baptist Pre-School.  It wasn’t our first choice but he was too young to get into the public kindy.  All was good, he had a fabulous time and his only episode of dissent was when he refused to wear his wise man costume in the Christmas Pageant.  He figured he was ‘wise’ enough …

Project 365 * Day 11: Self-portrait

A freezing Monday, a bus full of four year olds and a trip to the observatory.  Ethan was so buzzed on all he learnt about the planets and stars, (this was possibly all eclipsed by the Astronaut Ice Cream we purchased at the gift shop, oops).  Bad Mama. Follow

Project 365 * Day 9: Happy to see me!

Believe it or not, this smile is for me! Ethan finally spied me stalking him with the camera as Dave mowed the lawns and ran over and near-tackled me with a gigantic hug and told me he loved me even though I made him wear a scarf. Follow

Project 365 * Day 7: Swing

So we are both sick, tired and ready to kill each other after four days at home with heavy colds but it is so sunny out that a little fresh air and fun on the swing seemed in order! I can’t even imagine life if we have to quarantine for swine flu this year, thank god for grocery & DVD …

Project 365 * Day 6: Winter Hands

It’s sunny, but it’s freezing, Ethan doesn’t mind the chilly temps but still has to be reminded to keep warm. His hobo gloves are perfect as they keep my mind at ease and let him throw stones and dig in the dirt unhindered. Everybody’s happy. Follow

Project 365 * Day 3: Yes you can Ethan!

Four of my favourite things right now; Our delicious Obama action figure, my gorgeous ceramic vases from The Chicago Art Institue courtesy of little brother, lavender sprigs from our driveway and my baby’s soccer trophy – Most Improved Player. kick some ass Ethan, do it for America! Follow


After Ethan’s first, somewhat tearful, soccer game last week, we were cautiously optimistic yesterday morning when we rolled up for game number 2.  I was pretty sure he had himself together though, there isn’t too much that really throws Ethan for a loop and soccer ticks all the boxes for him really.  It is structured, there are rules, there is …

First Soccer Game

Saturday morning was dry and sunny thank god, but very crisp with so much frost the fields looked like they had had a light dusting of snow.  It melted as the little guys began to warm-up and they began their 15 minutes of training before the game began. Things were looking good as this point, Ethan was doing great, getting …

Soccer & Dogs

Ethan is mad on soccer at the moment and Nana surprised him today with two brand spanking new Nike soccer balls – one for our house and one for hers.  He was so excited to get home and have a game with his Dad.  Lucky for us the new front lawn is huge and flat so just perfect for the …