At 5pm on a Saturday arvo it’s now totally acceptable to whip up a batch of Date Scones even when no-one else in the house really even enjoys them {aside from E who’s great love of warm baked goods does not discriminate against dates}. Follow
Argghhhh! So Long Google Reader
I have been using Google Reader to follow and enjoy all of your amazing blogs for years now. I love it. It’s simple, it works and I valued being able to sign in to Gmail and all of my shit was in one place. Sigh. So now we are moving on and though I have a couple of other apps …
Things I’m Loving ::::caution:::: Whining Mummy Blogger ahead
That’s it people. That’s all I have this week. The last bite of bakery caramel slice that just went up in price .60c and simultaneously shrunk. The nerve of you Hollywood Bakery! I am tired, I don’t feel good, my bank manager is away and the women who is supposed to take care of his customers is a fucking moron {just thinking …
Dita de Boni hates Halloween, oh my
Here’s a wee tip fellow bloggers; whenever you are lacking in inspiration and have reached the very bottom of your creative souls, head over to the New Zealand Herald website and have a quick browse among the Life & Style section – there is no end of bullshit here which should either; enrage you to the point of seeing red …
Watching: My Kitchen Rules {surely the most drawn out show in the history of television?}, Finding Bigfoot – Ethan’s obsession, though he asks me every day I AM STILL NOT A BELIEVER! Listening to: Nothing. New. The playlist of my life has not had a new addition since Pumped up Kicks, and that was at least a year ago. I …
Friday Love
Thank god it’s Friday. This week has been challenging; one little drama after another and Ethan misbehaving like a boss EVERY afternoon this week. He is doing my head in. Mornings are easy. He wakes up happy, complies, helps out, goes to school without fussing……..then obviously uses up all of his good behaviour at school and tortures me when he …
This week has had a frantic feel, one of those weeks with a multitude of appointments, people to call, things to schedule, bills to pay…… sans husband of course. But Dave has been available via the inter webs to help me make a big decision for Ethan – thank god because I was just dithering on my own. Ethan is …
A4A Blog Carnival | Day 3 Challenge Accepted!
I am participating in’s Advocating for Another (A4A) Carnival – Parenting Edition. This is a month long event where health and parenting advocates write, share and enjoy! The FB page can be found here for more info + grab the parenting prompts here and join in! The blog carnival runs from August 21-28, 2012. So I’ve gotten behind….. Parenting …
A couple of terrible very bad mistakes that you should never make whilst planning your very expensive trip.
LEARN FROM THIS PEOPLE. I make these mistakes so you don’t have to mmmkay, I’m a giver like that. Don’t leave something potentially trip-ruining til the last minute if you can do it earlier. Case in point. I {like most NZ’ers} assumed that I would have no problem with my application for the USA Visa Waiver Program. So, on Thursday …