New Zealand's Top Mummy Mommy Blogger Blog Kids Auckland City Limits

5 reasons to bring the kids to Auckland Kiddie Limits (+ Giveaway!)

Lord have mercy!  Someone’s doing something super amazing and COOL for the kids this summer – and parents, totally, super cool for parents.  Trust me on that one because Dave and I are freeeakkkking about this festival inside a festival yo! Auckland Kiddie Limits is doing what no event has done before; providing a world class kids festival in the …

New Zealand Post Children's Book Awards

New Zealand Post Children’s Book Awards | Uncle Trev and His Whistling Bull

The New Zealand Post Children’s Book Awards celebrates annually the depth and range of talent our home-grown authors can offer kiwi readers. Ethan devours books at a rate that is hard to keep up with, so we were so happy to receive a package containing novels for review from two of the finalists in the Junior Fiction section. First on …

Things I’m Loving | Christchurch, you are Amazing

Not many words this week, aside from that I LOVE Christchurch.  It’s people and it’s resilience in the face of unimaginable natural adversity and a bureacratic nightmare are astounding. I simply cannot imagine a more wonderful city to host the first ever Around the Table Bloggers Conference.  Thank you so much, you know who you are x Ohhh, Treena Marie. …


The Never-Ending Summer

I looked outside yesterday and couldn’t help but appreciate the sight of two loads of whites drying on the line, yes the water truck came {FOR THE 5TH TIME} and so we washed. I hate to begrudge people a long, amazing summer, seeing as how the season of sun is sometimes so fickle here in New Zealand; but enough is …

I knew I was right about this | NZ’s Failing Maths Curriculum

Let me preface this by saying that I have a smart kid. A really smart kid. Last year at the end of term 3, E was discussing his maths group, after some questions I established three things; He had been sliding down through the maths groups the entire year He had landed with an inconspicuous SILENT thud in the lowest …


Chinese New Year | How to enjoy the Auckland Lantern Festival

You haven’t missed out the festival ends Sunday the 24th February!  For more info visit the organisers website Attending this event has been on my to-do list for years and yesterday, late afternoon we headed over to town and got amongst the wonderful crowd.  We were blown away by the HUGE masses of people.  It was mind boggling.  Princes St …

Peaceful Baby Sleep

Giveaway {closed } | Peaceful Baby Sleep Book Review

Last month I received a gorgeous wee book in the mail to read and review.  I was excited.  I love books and LOVED this book in particular as it gave me a chance to go back to those precious long days {and short years} of Ethan’s early life. This would make a perfect baby shower gift for an expecting mama …

Real Kiwi Women wear Swanndris

Beauty and the Blogger.

I was reading the New Zealand Herald online today {as I do most every day}, when the absolute bullshit articles in the Life & Style section led me to a wondrous ‘AHA’ moment.  Don’t worry peeps, you don’t have to subject yourself to the torment of actually reading said articles, I took one for the team and will fill you …