
A Little Boy in Uniform


Birthday Invitation

The day I have been secretly dreading for oh….five years is nearly here.  Ethan is starting school in 7 days.

My little mate who talks to me non-stop all day long, who loves sharks and hates lions because they kill Cheetahs is starting school.

The last few months have been wonderful and sad for me but so exciting for him as he counts the days until he is ‘a big boy’.  He is certain that he will wake up next Saturday and be bigger, stronger and smarter than ever before, god help us.

The details of his party are all his.  Why we let him talk us out of having his party at Chipmunks I will never know, but according to Ethan there were grave problems with the hanging of the pinata inside the party room and that just wouldn’t do!

As he put his uniform on for the first time on Friday to go to his first school visit, I could barely keep the tears from showing (I am struggling even as I type this!), but I am so proud of what an amazing, smart, caring and passionate little guy he has grown up to be.

I love you with all my heart Ethan xxxx

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  1. Nov 15, 2009 8:08 pm

    a neat message melissa – eathan will shine all the way.

  2. Nov 16, 2009 10:49 am

    How wonderful, what a lovely tribute to your special little man. Love the picture collage.

  3. Nov 16, 2009 1:19 pm

    Thanks Michelle! The collage is actually the front of his invitations that I have ordered but forgot to get delivered priority so god knows if they will actually get sent out to anyone! $60 well spent, typical xxxx

  4. Nov 16, 2009 4:09 pm

    To Ethan Jack,

    Nana & Grandad are so VERY proud of you! You look all grown up in your school uniform and we know you are ready for school (not sure if school is ready for you though!!) You are a very special boy and we love you soooooo much!

    You can run like a cheetah and swim like a shark,

    You like to leap and play in the park,

    There's not many sleeps unitl you're five,

    You're off to school and you will thrive!!

    Love you MORE,

    Nana & Grandad xoxoxoxoxoxo

  5. Nov 16, 2009 7:27 pm

    Awwww, that is the best comment ever Mum xxxx