I have been using Google Reader to follow and enjoy all of your amazing blogs for years now. I love it. It’s simple, it works and I valued being able to sign in to Gmail and all of my shit was in one place. Sigh. So now we are moving on and though I have a couple of other apps I’m trying out on the iPhone and iPad, Bloglovin’ is looking good as my new RSS reader on the computers.
If you have migrated from Google Reader and you are already a follower of The Best Nest you should be good to go, if you have just noticed all the hub-bub about RSS readers and are about to create your own list of feeds you can find The Best Nest on Bloglovin’ here.
Mar 18, 2013 10:26 pm
I quite like BlogLovin' and I've listed my blogs on it but for ease of reading I chose Feedly. I really like the two way synch they have with Google Reader at the moment so the import was pretty painless!
Liking the new header 🙂