
Cook Eat | Easy Chicken, Spinach & Mushroom Meatballs


This recipe {my own!} has been on our weekly rotation for a month or so now and we LOVE these!  Dave and I were inspired to make chicken meatballs after eating at our local {Hallertau}, where Dave enjoyed their Chicken & Leek Meatballs.  These are better, I promise.  Chicken mince is a favourite of mine as it requires no chopping, de-skinning, de-boning and it is usually WAY cheaper than chicken breast.  I have trouble finding it at some supermarkets but Pak n Save seems to always have it in the butchery.


Chicken, Spinach & Mushroom Meatballs Recipe

You will need;

500 grams or more of chicken mince

Half an onion or leek

4 good sized mushrooms cut into quarters

Half a red capsicum

Some spinach – I used 4 of the round frozen spinach portions

Some celery

Some garlic to taste

Salt and pepper

Oil for the pan

1 egg


{sorry about the ambiguous measurements, I’m a chuck-things-in-the-blender kinda girl!}.

Rough chop veges, garlic and seasonings in a food processor, combine with chicken mince, egg and breadcrumbs in a medium sized bowl.  Heat oil in your pan and add your meatballs – usually about 1 1/2 tablespoons of mixture for each meatball.  Cook until golden.

Last night I served the meatballs on a salad for a {mostly} carb free dinner but for the boys I made chicken pies using this mixture.  One sheet of flaky puff pastry cut on the diagonal, add a mound of mixture to the middle, top with some cheese and fold into a parcel.  So yummy!

This is such a quick and delicious dinner, and with the added veges 500 grams of chicken mince goes a long way!  It made two pies and 16 meatballs!


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  1. Nov 6, 2013 9:54 am

    Oooo, yum! Will have to try these! And I like the ambiguous amounts – that's my kinda cooking xx

  2. Nov 6, 2013 1:23 pm

    I love meatballs and these sound delicious. Will try these over the weekend. xo