Full List of Stuff White People Like
How classic is this! The stereotype is so perfectly broken down by this list that it MUST have been written by a white person – though I doubt that they would be able to call themselves a redneck.
I love this so much I am going to comment on the Top 50, and add my own whitey / kiwi spin on it for ya;
#50 Irony – yes, and?
#49 Vintage – yes. I have a vintage set of dresser drawers in our bedroom, our TV sits on a vintage table, and I love retro styling.
#48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops – Yes, don’t eat torture – pork!!!
#47 Arts Degrees – Snap. Got one, major Sociology, minor Ancient History. I know, WTF was I thinking?
#46 The Sunday New York Times – They don’t deliver to NZ and my interweb time is already busy enough as it is with, twitter, FB and blogging
#45 Asian Fusion Food – meh, ‘sokay
#44 Public Radio – LOVE IT. Ethan and I were glued to the lappy on election day listening to Obama slay the republicans on NPR
#43 Plays – ho hum, haven’t seen one in a while, but I was Frenchy in our High School production of Grease
#42 Sushi – oh yeah, watch me roll up
#41 Indie Music – pretty much all we listen to in this house, though I had a kick-ass dream last night that I saw a live acoustic set performed by Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love!!
#40 Apple Products – still pluckin on pc’s but we have a 4 ipods of varying descriptions
#39 Netflix – loved it whilst stateside
#38 Arrested Development – ROFLMAO
#37 Renovations – yes, minor because we rent but watch out future mortgaged house
#36 Breakfast Places – not so much now we are in NZ, but in SD and Jax used to eat out for brekkie all the time
#35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report – Still watch it here, love it
#34 Architecture – is cool
#33 Marijuana – never been a fan, smells soapy to me
#32 Vegan/Vegetarianism – been there, done that
#31 Snowboarding – hell yeah, this season is looking good
#30 Wrigley Field – hmmm, I’m guessing this is a baseball reference, so, negatory
#29 80s Night – oh yeah, every night from 19-21 was 80’s night with the girls
#28 Not having a TV – sorry, no
#27 Marathons – I’m sure Dave will get around to this one of these days, I’ll be cheering him on eating ice cream and drinking bourbons
#26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!) – sadly never been
#25 David Sedaris – ?
#24 Wine – You got some?
#23 Microbreweries – Oh yeah, pretty much the only time I drink beer is when visiting a microbrewery
#22 Having Two Last Names – We were considering bestowing this upon our son, but I do like my short and snappy new name so figured he would too
#21 Writers Workshops – online ones
#20 Being an expert on YOUR culture – not so much
#19 Traveling – YES
#18 Awareness – like……how we all live in a global community?
#17 Hating their Parents – no way, my parents rule
#16 Gifted Children – yeah, I picked up one of those about 4.5 years ago
#15 Yoga – downward dog, my friends!
#14 Having Black Friends – can’t even articulate a response to this one sorry
#13 Tea – it’s growing on me, I like fruit tea
#12 Non-Profit Organizations – What? They do good work!
#11 Asian Girls – Pretty much every boy in my form class in 3rd & 4th form married asian chicks
#10 Wes Anderson Movies – def
#9 Making you feel bad about not going outside – Get some vitamin D yall!
#8 Barack Obama – is my homeboy, Ethan wonders why he can’t live here and be the boss instead of John Key? I also wonder this ‘CAUSE I DIDN’T VOTE FOR YOU JK!
#7 Diversity – is good
#6 Organic Food – is better
#5 Farmer’s Markets – are the bomb
#4 Assists – I don’t know what this is but I think a football reference maybe? In that case, SO not interested
#3 Film Festivals – in my student days for sure, oh wait I’m still a student, in my YOUNG student days
#2 Religions their parents don’t belong to – well that pretty much opens it up to ANY RELIGION IN THE WORLD
#1 Coffee – No, don’t partake
So I guess I’m pretty white, though not as pale as some of you I bet!
May 27, 2009 2:26 pm
your witty comments (to a list that i can't believe exists) made me realize how much i miss you 🙂
May 27, 2009 2:40 pm
Yay! I haven't had a comment for so long, I guess no-one really reads my word-spews : (
I miss you too. it's very shivery at the mo, though it hasn't rained in like 3 days OMG WTF, my clothes have dried on the line fo like 2 days in a row! and you know how happy that makes me right, right????
May 27, 2009 2:41 pm
BTW, I saw that I spelled 'for' as 'fo' and left it that way on purpose , just because I am down with the kids.
May 28, 2009 5:41 pm
dry clothes make for a happy melissa! fo sho :)i am so glad that i came to visit you during your summer rather than your winter. i know that its better for the winter sports and all, but the coldness would put a real damper on my sunbathing/ shell collecting
Jun 16, 2009 7:41 am
This was awesome and had I more time on the 'puter nowadays I'd do this as well!