The weather’s not really giving much away at the moment but the daylight hours are gradually increasing and we’re all feeling like spring is j u s t around the corner. Nix has jumped up another size over winter so it’s time to hit the shops again and restock his wardrobe.
My goal at the moment is to increase efficiency and productivity wherever I can – especially across all areas of “Mum Admin”. My life is too busy to be spent aimlessly wandering multiple shops, searching for random separates, hoping they fit and hoping they match.
I’m shopping online a little more for everyone this season and have kicked things off with an outfit for Nixon from The Warehouse*.
Ok. Two things here;
- That super-cute sports style Tee has a drop hem at the back, sooooo on-trend right now!
- Those pants!! Nix is super fussy about clothes, especially now that he is almost toilet trained and likes to free-ball 90% of the time. These Kanga Chinos are super soft and comfy (I was expecting them to be stiff) as well as being totally stylish and practical. Pair them with a button up shirt and you’ve got a fancy outfit.
FYI; in our house clothes have 3 levels; Kindy, Going Out and Fancy. I don’t mix their clothes together otherwise the boys will look like the feral grubs they really are ALL THE TIME and they will have nothing to wear on special occasions due to their innate ability to destroy clothes and shoes.
The price points at The Warehouse are perfect for my kids for this reason. I can easily grab a couple of items for a wardrobe refresh and I’m not going to spend megabucks doing it. Nixon totally needed some ‘Going Out’ level pants, but at this time of year it’s hard to justify spending a lot of money when he’ll be living in shorts soon enough. These pants are perfection, you’ll wish you got two pairs I swear!
Chino Kanga Pants Pants $29, Yarn Dyed Printed Tee Shirt $15, Zip-Thru Hoody $10, Shoes $15.
Total outfit cost = $69 including shoes! This is a perfect and practical look for my busy wee boy. He’s comfortable, looks great and is totally ‘play’ ready, the key element to any toddler outfit. Nix has been really sick with pneumonia this past week so it was such a relief to be able to grab an entire outfit online and nail it first time! Yeah mama!
That’s my kind of shopping.
PS. Don’t forget about those pants, they are seriously amazing! And keep an eye out in the next month for a wee video featuring my Nix.
*This post was sponsored by The Warehouse.