Ahhhh, absence makes the blog stats sadder……..or are your hearts growing fonder? Either way, I’m just about through a jar of Reese’s Pieces {thanks Simone!} and a Canadian Club {thanks Duty Free!} so let’s have a catch up;
- Of utmost importance, wtf is going on with my hair? I love the colour but have absolutely no style going on at present. It’s just long. No bangs, no flicks, no sexy business over my eyes……just a centre part and a massive forehead. Moving on to my eyebrows, I had an epiphany the other day, all of the amazingly luscious and full sets of brows around at the moment just might be pencil aided? I have never used an eyebrow pencil but thought I’d give it a go today seeing as I had Farmers Beauty Club Voucher to use. I’m pretty happy with the result, christ, why is makeup after
3035 so hard?
- One of our besties is a builder who had a few hours free this week so we were able to tick a couple of things off the house to-do list; a new pair of gates on the side of the house and new skirting boards in the entrance way and kitchen. Yay, feels good to do some work on the old house again.
- Look at the beauteous Bubbalino herself! Had fun with Vanessa on Wednesday at a rad PR event where I was seated next to Chelsea Winter for lunch! Blog on indeed.
- I’m quite in love with my new tattoo, one week on and the itchy has just about stopped and the scabbing is just about finished too.
- After everyone left for school and work, Nix and I just sat on the kitchen floor in our jams and played with food storage containers. Best morning ever. I was so close to the breakfast dishes, the spray cleaner and the washing machine even. But I did no chores and just played with my baby. I have no idea why this is sometimes so hard to do.
- E has been so busy the last couple of weeks I don’t even remember what was going on here, a soccer tournament maybe?
- A Saturday morning with no rugby meant a lovely slow start, we lingered in bed, the boys and the dogs {please note how I have turned Cat’s beautiful quilt over so dog paws don’t mess it up!} and then we went to the rugby club anyway. Sigh.
- Ah, Nix and Dave at Starship. Further biopsies scheduled for next Monday, going in through his abdomen this time poor baby. But this will be the end of the discovery phase, though the surgeon seems pretty convinced it’s Hirschprungs I’m holding out hope of a false positive on the initial diagnosis. Not long now, one more nil by mouth night to survive which is SO hard with a breast-fed baby!
Enjoy your day off tomorrow, happy Queens Birthday!
Jun 1, 2014 8:43 pm
your eyebrows look fab haha – love your tatt!