
No Monday-itis here!


We had such a great day today though I’m not going to pretend that getting up and out of the house and actually being somewhere by a certain time is easy (I’m out of practice you understand!).  I went off to my little Teacher Aide job with Mum while Ethan went to work with his Daddy and Grandad for the morning.  He was so excited about being one of the guys, however after hearing Dave’s report on how the morning went the boy may have just been excited about the possibility of raiding everyones lunchboxes!  I picked him up at 12.30pm and by that time he had cleaned out his lunchbox, eaten selectively from his fathers and scrounged what he could from Grandads.  He sadly told me that Grandad didn’t share his biscuits and Simon had Sub-of-the-day for lunch (I presume he didn’t get any of that either!)  Very puzzling to Ethan was the fact that even though he told Simon how bad smoking was, “SIMON STILL SMOKED!”  I love how black and white life is to Ethan – if you know something is bad for you, why would you do it?  I think Ethan looks at smoking as the highest form of civil disobedience – it makes no sense to him, it smells, it makes you sick and makes you look old!  But he did mention that “he would still be friends with Simon even if he got a very bad cough and couldn’t walk good anymore”.  How sweet.

Ethan and Daddy at Work

Ethan and Daddy at Work

After a hard morning at work we eventually got home and Ethan wanted to get out and plant some more veges before we did anything else.  He was Farmer Bunce and I was Farmer Bean (From Fantastic Mr Fox) and our vege garden looks amazing!  Debbie and The Rhodes Family bought me a whole bunch of veges and herbs for my birthday and they started the new plot off nicely.  We still had one whole side of the garden left to fill so we picked up some more broccoli, cauli, brussel sprouts and lettuce today on the way home and threw them in on the 2nd side.  Ethan planted all of the parsley himself – he did a great job and loved every minute of it! 

Farmer Bunce

Farmer Bunce

 The earth in the garden is amazing, I can’t wait to see how the seedlings grow!


I love this picture – the heron visits the playhouse every morning and watches the fog lift off the river.  This shot makes the city look much closer than it is, note the Sky tower to the right;
Playhouse Heron

Playhouse Heron

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