Inspired by a feature in Frankie Magazine I has had a wee think and come up with a few things that I did last year;
Ditched energy drinks. By ditched, I mean I replaced them with coffee. That works right?
Was on TV 3 times. Twice on parenting panels, watch here and once as I was getting a bull semen-derived product applied to my hair. RIVETING VIEWING!
Travelled to Rarotonga, Sydney and flew to Nelson on the inaugural Jetstar flight.
Ran in my first two events, The 5k Mud Run and the Skechers 6k.
Fuck that, actually I RAN for the first time in 2015 lol <<<<< so proud of this one!
Signed a contract with my blogging agency.
Won Manager of the Year at our Rugby Club
Only had ONE stay at Starship with Nixie, YUS!
I ran over a neighbours pet cat. It was awful.
Had a very up and down year with personal relationships to be honest. I said what I thought (nothing new there!), when people took advantage, or upset me I told them. Simple. I’m hoping 2016 will be a less-bumpy road with more uplifting female friendships taking priority.
I spent too much time working on this blog.
I learnt to love makeup and I became a little bit better at applying it. I also discovered that no-one is simply born with ‘those’ brows. There are tools for that – who knew?
I said YES to everything. e v e r y t h i n g. It took it’s toll on both my family and I.
I got a new tattoo.
I cut my hair short.
I refinished our dining room table. A long, process but totally worth it.
Drank too much wine :::Slaps hand:::
Stayed at home too much.
I worked out with Nike Master Trainer Kirsty Godso. She’s a very tiny, beautiful person.
I celebrated being married 11 years during a very testing time in our relationship. It was weird, now it’s better.
Make your own list!!! I’d love to read them, leave a comment with your link below xx
[…] for the inspiration for this post Melissa from Best Nest. A great way to recap an exciting year. And very much looking forward to 2016 and all the amazing […]
Jan 6, 2016 5:02 pm
Love it! Thanks for sharing – and used it as inspiration to write my own list. I’m new to blogging and developing as I go along.
Jan 26, 2016 8:55 am
I love your list!!! I can definitely relate to 10, 17 and 18!!! I really want to be better at telling people what I think.
Jan 6, 2016 4:50 pm
[…] for the inspiration for this post Melissa from Best Nest. A great way to recap an exciting year. And very much looking forward to 2016 and all the amazing […]
Jan 6, 2016 5:02 pm
Love it! Thanks for sharing – and used it as inspiration to write my own list. I’m new to blogging and developing as I go along.
Jan 26, 2016 8:55 am
I love your list!!! I can definitely relate to 10, 17 and 18!!! I really want to be better at telling people what I think.
I finally wrote my own list! 🙂