- Listening / watching my darling hold the ipod so tight so as soon as his fav song finished he could start it over ever so quickly because god forbid we actually listen to more than one song per day. At least he has exceptional taste in music
- Having the BEST weekend in ages, a free amazing date night with Dave, a well behaved boy, swimming in the pool and sun at home on Saturday, surfing and the beach today
- Not having to work tomorrow
- Going to the salon tomorrow, will not be reprimanded for going with clean hair as mine is freshly full of salt water
- Being safe in the knowledge that I will never struggle to find parking for my jetski at the mall (I swear I saw this today, out west even)
- Frogs. Flat Mike, Big Jack and Jamestail have slimed there way into my cold cold heart. Ethan will vouch that I am “into frogs”. He was also very surprised to find out today that Mama could catch like a trillion more waves than daddy. I REVEL in this knowledge!
- I am also quite into ::::whispers:::: Pokemon.
- Going camping next weekend, though we are still undecided on the destination it’s going to be so much fun!