Happy New Year friends! :::she said, 4 days late:::
Oh well, a holiday is not a holiday if I don’t give my brain a bit of blogging respite now and then, so clink-clink to my first post of 2015!
We spent 10 wicked days in Waipu thoroughly enjoying a laid-back, family Christmas and New Year – we didn’t actually see in the New Year, Dave and I were tucked up in bed at 10pm, determined not to start 2015 hungover and tired!
We have returned home to begin January a little more tanned {or blackened in my case, first sign of sun and my skin pays no heed to my Irish/Scottish heritage despite regular sunscreen application} and with some awesome new habits and goals firmly in place before the clock even struck 12 on New Years day.
I’m not sure what is was about being away, but those long, straight, flat roads up north were just so appealing to me that I got out there and ran every.damn.day we were away.
Shut the hell up you say.
Tell me about it. I haven’t been that motivated to exercise since, well, ever.
I left my sneakers in Auckland though, so a quick trip into Whangarei to pick up some new kicks from Rebel kind-of ushered in a new way of thinking for the year ahead. In a situation such as this I would have just picked out whatever sneakers I wanted regardless of price, but as I was purchasing a pair of shoes that were not technically essential {I had left my runners in Auckland, not on Mars}, Dave insisted I make my choice from the range that was 50% off. This included a grand total in my size of two pairs of ugly, u g l y shoes I wouldn’t normally look twice at. I caved. It was like voting in a New Zealand election really, picking the least bad out of two hideous options. My new Avias cost $60 and are actually one of the most comfy pairs of shoes I’ve ever owned. Dave is polishing his halo right about now.
Basically, I need to be a little more aware of how and what I spend my money on this year. We have redone our budget this morning, put some financial goals {and boundaries} in place and are looking forward to appreciating and enjoying what we have and being a bit more mindful of what we spend our money on. Sound familiar? Yeah same old broken record I know.
So the quote below is my motto for 2015, no list of resolutions, just a general feeling that I want to coax along and see where it takes me xx
Start where you are.
Use what you have.
Do what you can.
Get outside people, we wait all year for this glorious weather!
Jan 4, 2015 3:34 pm
While my word for the year is abundance, we too are focusing on specific and relatively audacious goals – abundance in the areas important to us. Sometimes that means the fugly sneakers LOL. I’m sure you guys will achieve your goals!
Jan 4, 2015 5:42 pm
I think I like your word better lol
Jan 5, 2015 9:01 am
Happy New Year! And go you for a great start and "goals"! Hope you get where you want to go with a flourish x
Jan 6, 2015 6:07 pm
Happy New Year Melissa, Waipu hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons this holiday. Glad you weren't caught up in those tragic events.
Jan 6, 2015 10:03 pm
Hi Leanne! I know it\’s awful, one thing after another with a second drowning…. I said to Mum today that there is some bad juju up there or something!