I’m tired, head-achy, sore and mostly just plain old tired. Dave ran off a list of things this afternoon trying to put his finger on why I’m feeling this way and the answer is I just don’t know.
Dave said I need carbs, Mum said I need vitamins, I think I need new shoes and sleep. Everything is whizzing around at 100km an hour at the moment and I think I just need to catch my breath. There is so much that is good and exciting happening (our first house, planning a trip, loving my blog) but at the same time there is the mundane to live through, the daily grind that is dragging ass right now.
I know I’m whining, nothing really to complain about, just feeling a tad under the weather. Thinking I’ll skip a wine tonight and self-medicate with a Berocca instead :::::sigh:::::
If you’re done listening to me whine peruse the following;
- Maybe it’s Marmageddon that’s got me all in a funk, lord knows I LOVE me some Marmite. 3/4 of a big jar left, she’ll be right! Yes New Zealand has made the news around the world as we all contemplate life without Marmite
- Oh crazy Kony man. You try and do something good for humanity and you go and forget to take your meds. or put your clothes on. Oh for shame.
- I love these cups. Feel free to buy them for my new kitchen
- I’m going to need a pair of these boots to really lift my spirits
Source: Uploaded by user via Melissa on Pinterest
- Oh isn’t this the truth! Except for science. Science videos were never fun.
Source: iowagirleats.com via Melissa on Pinterest
Mar 20, 2012 10:18 pm
Love the boots, love the cups AND love the fact that unlike Jason Russell, instead of masturbating on the beach and hitting a pavement whilst nudie rudie, you only add to your awesome blog when feeling a bit crap.
I hope the sun shines for you tomorrow and you have a great day x
Mar 21, 2012 6:52 pm
I always try not to masturbate on the beach. Very bad form lol
Mar 21, 2012 9:35 am
Hey! I hope you feel 100% soon. Also love that ‘boots with socks/leg warmers’ look – it’s on my list for this winter, fashuur! 😉
Mar 21, 2012 6:53 pm
Feeling mucho better this arvo once the neurofen took my headache away and my smiley boy came home {and may have bought some boots….}