
Saturday / Sunday


We tried to cram as much as possible into this weekend – it was busy but it was fun.

Saturday morning began with soccer – it was a white-wash with Ethan scoring our teams only goal, but what a goal it was; he had the throw in, chased it and scored!  No-one else even touched the ball…..ahhh preschool sports are hilarious!

The we had a visit from Abby, Jesse and Riley.  It was such a pretty day, we had so much fun playing outside.  I loved it because I played with Riley heaps, something I have not been able to do yet. 

After lunch we headed over to Debbie and Nicks where I washed my car (we are on tank water so I made good use of their city supply), and Dave got busy with the chainsaw and chopped some firewood for the fam.  It was awesome for Ethan to have some QT with Freya, they haven’t had a good play for ages and they played with their ‘puppies’ and played restaurants for ages it was lovely;

God I love these two together, they are so sweet to each other, but funny and silly and neither of them takes any crap from the other – fiery springs to mind!  To top off a lovely visit, we had the first BBQ of the non-winter season, it was awesome as per usual at The Rhodes house.


Today we popped out of bed and headed outside to deal with the playhouse.  Dave laid new decking where there was none, added a safety rail (it’s a very high playhouse!), built a new ladder, and I put safety mesh where there was none and began cleaning the inside.  It is so awesome!  Ethan had the best day.  When I pulled out the play kitchen and we saw everything needed a wash, I gave him a bucket of water and told him to get to work.  I think this was his favourite part of the day – washing the dishes for his new house.  Needless to say, when we knocked off work at 5pm a soak in the hot-tub and a well earned cocktail were in order!  Ethan also anointed himself Chicken Whisperer.  After seeing his Daddy catch the chicken yesterday, he chased chickens all day and was so proud when he climbed back up the hill with a fat chicken in his hands!

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  1. Aug 10, 2009 8:34 pm

    Catching chickens is an art once you are old enough to not be able to tire them out. I always admired my grandmother who had to use a cane to walk and who could catch 10 chickens to my one every time.

    Looks like the kids had a good time! (And you can't be that far in the boonies – I could see buildings in the distance. I spent much of my childhood on a farm where the nearest neighbor was 28 miles as the crow flies. We were overjoyed when 1) we were old enough to go to school so we could play, and 2) when we were old enough to get our drivers licenses so we could have a social life. {*grin*} Besides, it gave my brother and I someone else to tease!)

  2. Aug 11, 2009 8:12 am

    You're right, I exaggerate! We moved from the suburbs a few months back, and are now no longer able to walk to the jiffy store, the beach or pick-up take-out without it getting cold so it's a matter of perception!