Saturday’s favourite child is……

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After a 105km round trip for rugby which involved 1.3 hours of hysterical crying from Nixon, “Kid o’ the Day” was a bit of a one man race today.  But never put it past Ethan to lose a one man race, he is apt to self-destruct when you least expect it.

So, after our rugby-roadie I thought I would make the day even better by getting the grocery shopping done for the week ahead.  I asked E what he would like for dinner, fully expecting him to reply with some pain in my ass request such as hand-rolled salmon sushi etc {which I probably would have made for him as I’m a glutton for punishment see: baby #2}.
Lo and behold, that boy of mine took a good look around and decided that he would like a pack of fresh, ready-made pumpkin soup and beans on toast for dinner!  I’m fairly sure that on the Tired Mama Meter, that dinner selection is a 10/10.

There is nothing wrong with this fast food;

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