Term 1 draws to a close on Friday and E has started the year as he means to continue; his touch team won the summer club module, he won the backstroke at Swimming Sports and came 2nd in his other events, he has volunteered to assist two special needs kids at school on a rostered basis and is performing at his usual high level both in the classroom and on the rugby field.
The only blemish marring a great 11 weeks at school has been girls. They have been doing his head in all term. Whispering, pointed looks, notes, interruptions of lunchtime rugby games and constant attention have just about driven my young man to distraction. He even booked himself in for not one but two sessions with the school guidance councillor to try and sort through the problems of one so handsome. My visit to his teacher stomped out the flames of passion for a week or two, but last Thursday one little madam took things to a whole new level.
E came home with his first love letter.
A masterpiece of colored pencil and spelling mistakes {E was very unimpressed with her literary failings!}, this three page devotional made Ethan rethink his previous annoyance with girls, he was quietly chuffed. She said he was funny, and so nice, and that she actually really did like him and she begged him not to show everyone at school the letter. He was practically beaming, amazed that someone had taken the time to write all of those nice things about him!
I listened and nodded and shut my mouth even when I wanted to suggest maybe he aim for someone in a higher spelling group. I was Silent Mama, just happy that he wanted to share this momentous occasion with me.
He arrived at school on Friday morning and was promptly told by said madam that it was all a fake! An elaborate ruse and she didn’t mean any of it. My heart broke all the way from Christchurch when Dave text me the news that afternoon. At least E was stoic and assured his Dad that he gave her the heave-ho as soon as he heard the news. At rugby practice that afternoon E sought the sage advice of his coach and older, wiser 9yo team mates who assured him that they had been there and that girls just suck.
A little less huss would cause a LOT less fuss in the classroom I’m sure. Isn’t 8 way too young for this kind of carry on from these girls? I’m trying to instill the Bro’s before Hoes ethos so he will be prepared for the next girl-sneak attack, too bad E is just so damn nice!
Apr 17, 2013 8:26 pm
I am going to print this post and keep it somewhere safe to pull out and read when my boys reach this stage. Love it!! And in my opinion, 8 is faaaar too young – shouldn't boys/girls still be smelly and yukky when you're 8?? xx
Apr 17, 2013 9:16 pm
Agreed Ange, smelly and yukky would be preferable for at least 10 more years
Apr 17, 2013 9:18 pm
Melissa, there's a girl in beaus class (yr 2) that just loved him. She sits next to him and asks everyday to come and play… I'm sooo over it to. I tell her I've got enough kids and don't need anymore after school 😉 but I really don't know if it's any worse or the same than when we were young. I can't remember? Can you? Anyway I'm def of the view or bros before hoes as you said.
Apr 17, 2013 9:48 pm
Hey Liss! I can remember things kicking off around std 4?? But not really before then. It's so hard as these feelings are really confusing for little guys {and girls} to process. FYI it seems to be initiated by the girls who all have older sisters.
PS there is a cute giveaway on the site ending today for a beanbag!
Apr 17, 2013 9:35 pm
Oh dear – my lil man is only one year behind yours .. .. ..
Ummmm is it chicks before d**** for the female version of broes before
GREAT post – you made me giggle
Apr 17, 2013 9:49 pm
Thanks Cat, I have added that saying to my repertoire for Girls Night Out excuses!
Apr 18, 2013 9:02 am
On one hand it's kinda nice to know that others think our wee lads are lovely (I mean we KNOW how awesome they are!) but jeepers, it's surely a little early for all that love letter malarky…my wee guys is kinda sweet on a girl in his class (and she appears to be on him) but they are SO blimin fickle at this age that we will just try and keep it as casual as we can and not encourage it as anything more (or different) than having another guy friend. Great post xx
Apr 18, 2013 9:48 am
Love that you resisted the urge to recommend he aim for a higher spelling group for a future dating pool…that the urge was there, I love all the more.
Apr 18, 2013 9:54 am
Bwahaha! That made me laugh!
Apr 18, 2013 10:48 pm
There are downsides to homeschooling – this is not on of them 😉
Apr 19, 2013 5:02 am
Apr 19, 2013 5:46 am
He is just so sweet. Love that he picked up on their bad spelling. You are such a good mum!!