
My Fat Ass is taking a vacation


Anyone else’s Ass need to take a trip?

In the last two days I have done as much exercise as I have done in the previous 4 months. That’s right readers, I have been for TWO booty-be-gone walks in two days, and readers your deduction skills are especially sharp today, that also means I have only gone for two walks this entire winter!

But it has begun, the annual August “I’m so fat-athon”.  I do it every year.  I whinge and complain so much that Dave eventually loses patience and tells me to do something about it, like actual running, instead of just running my mouth.

So yesterday I set off on a 4.5km walk that includes 3 major hills.  And I did it again this morning.

Second time around was much easier as I actually made a playlist rather than just randomly listening to the 30gigs of music on the ipod;

So, if you want to send you butt on a holiday post your fav playlist of 15-20 songs below, ’cause I always need ideas for workout music.

1 Unless It’s Kicks Okkervil River
2 Caring Is Creepy The Shins
3 Move Cansei de Ser Sexy
4 Ruby Kaiser Chiefs
5 Crooked Teeth Death Cab for Cutie
6 Walk of Life Dire Straits
7 Santa Monica Everclear
8 Over My Head (Cable Car) The Fray
9 Behind These Hazel Eyes Kelly Clarkson
10 Don’t Look Back in Anger Oasis
11 Gold Lion Yeah Yeah Yeahs
12 Something More Sugarland
13 Born Into A Light Ryan Adams & The Cardinals
14 Moving Supergrass
15 The Fixer Pearl Jam
16 Better Man Pearl Jam
17 Desecration Smile Red Hot Chili Peppers

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  1. Aug 19, 2009 7:59 pm

    I just created a new mixtape for Julz:

    Some fun stuff in there.