Yay! I played my first game of netball in 3 years tonight and my team won!
To be entirely honest I was dreading the game. 8pm on a Monday night in winter is really not prime Melissa time. Dragging yourself out of the house in shorts and sneaks when its RAINING does not bode well for me. I was also secretly nervous as I only know one person on the team – and what if they were all amaze-balls netball players and I was the social netballer that kinda sucked? It wasn’t to be, the ladies were super nice and we were all of a similar level – luckily this white girl can jump so I busted out some ok defence {quietly…..I was chuffed that I didn’t suck}.
Me time was fab. It’s a hard time-slot to make work, but I am so glad I said yes to the offer to join the team. Why is saying yes sometimes so much harder than saying no?