
2012 | It’s time to PLAY!


Though it may seem that 2012 has it’s campaign of the year all tied up with this Kony thing {yes I’ve watched the video, yes I’ve shared it on FB, yes I’m now a political activist just like you}, there is actually another movement  worthy of your  attention that launched today.

Over the next 10 months I will be joining forces with the fab team behind the Milo Play Movement and three additional Mummy Bloggers based in Australia to elevate both the status and the dialogue around that simple little word; play.

To be honest, until I was invited to participate in the Play Movement, I hadn’t conscientiously given much thought to the qualitative characteristics of Ethan’s playtime.  Active play and activity {both structured and unstructured} is the most prevalent form of play in our household for ALL three of us.  It was news to me that this is not the norm anymore and that some children  – nearly HALF – do not play every day!  Dang is right, WTF may also be highly appropriate!

The short {2.18 min} video below outlines the State of Play Report commissioned by Milo and why this issue deserves our attention;

I have added a permanent Milo Play page which will be home to any resources I come across, this page also has links to the many varied and FUN ways you can get involved in helping kiwi kids play.

This is going to be a great campaign, so I hope you silent visitors will speak up and get involved as there will be some great lessons, tips and ideas that are generated from all of our mummy/daddy/caregiver brains joining forces!

  • Watch the State of Play video above (or here on YouTube)
  • Get tweeting to the team @MILOausnz on Twitter
  • Like the Facebook page and get chatting with other Mums/Dads & caregivers here
  • Check out pics of the Play Movement here on Flickr
  • Read the New Zealand Herald article here
  • Visit the other bloggers involved with this awesomeness;
  • Kelly at Be A Fun Mum
  • Cath at Squiggle Mum
  • Karen at Miscellaneous Mum


  • I am participating in the Milo Play Movement as a Blogger Ambassador and any compensation received is for advice provided directly to the MILO Play Movement team on the social media engagement plan.
  • All communications I share regarding the MILO Play Movement are my honest opinion.
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  1. Mar 12, 2012 6:09 pm

    What a awesome campaign! I met a 4 year old last week who didn’t know what rugby was let alone how to catch a rugby ball but informed me he was almost pro level playing tennis on his wii – so sad!

    • Mar 12, 2012 6:16 pm

      @Kylie Le Cheminant

      Oh my god, thats terrible! I guess it’s pretty standard now, poor old mummy has so many other little babysitters {ipad, ipod, computer, game systems} she barely even has to turn on the old tv anymore! It’s not just technology though is it? It’s also inclination and attention.