


“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.”


ethan:  oh boy, hectic week!  this term you have become a ‘joiner’ at school, signing up for whatever sports team is in season as well as two choirs.  son you are one busy guy.  nix and i were stoked to watch your school soccer tournament last week, your team of rugby boys played so well and came third!  you jumped into goal after the assigned goalie bailed after letting one through and you were marvellous; saving the next goal with gusto and keeping the opposition from scoring for the rest of the match.  you scored two tries this weekend, one for your club rugby team on saturday and one for your school team at the barbarians day on sunday.  your body looks like some one has pummelled you with a meat tenderiser but you tell me that you are busy doing fun stuff, so you don’t mind.  neither do we x


nixon: my baby, i don’t even want to talk about your week.  we spent thursday in hospital after we were notified by phone that you had been diagnosed with hirschprungs disease.  i’m not buying it at this point, your biopsy confirmed it, but, if the biopsy was taken in the wrong place it could easily be a false-positive.  the contrast x-ray was not conclusive either way so we are waiting for the surgeons next move.  waiting sucks.  you however, are still your beautiful, cheerful, excruciatingly smart, funny and inquisitive self.  your stevie wonder dance moves crack me up boy.

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  1. May 27, 2014 9:47 am

    What a cute hat on Nixon! I love it. Hope the doctors and figure it all out and fix him up ASAP!

  2. May 27, 2014 7:52 pm

    From one Mumma of a 8/9 year old boy to another – THANKYOU xxx
    And Nixon #nonixonno you just tell them to find out what the problem is and sort it pronto coz you have stuff to destruct
    And I'm in LOVE with my Crown Lynn Swan xxx

  3. May 28, 2014 10:19 am

    Awesome hat! Poor dot and poor mum – hopefully the problems get sorted soon and you have some answers. Waiting is excruciating! Getting involved in fun stuff is awesome x