We have a winner! random.org picked the first commenter, who was Treena-Marie! Thanks so much for entering everyone, and sorry again for the stingy prize – everyone at home is watching me like a hawk to make sure I don’t throw away any other valuable items!
This summer was l o n g. And HOT, and many of you basked in the sun and the heat and wished it would never end. I however, am huge and pregnant and we are on tank water. I don’t begrudge you all your bikinis, and your paddling pools, your slip n slides and cute outfits. I had my Tropical Fruity’s – think pineapple, orange and passionfruit – so found solace in those {{{do you hear the tiny violins?}}}.
True story.
We all love these ice blocks and they became a regular in our freezer for the duration of the Summer-That-Wouldn’t-Quit, these aren’t a soft drink based flavour (think Lemonade, Cola, Orange) they are 99% real fruit juice with no added sugar, colours or flavours. I really, genuinely love this product so was delighted to be asked to review them and give some multipacks away to you guys.
Therein lies the problem; see, my baby brain recycled the vouchers. Gone. You can rest assured they did not go to landfill, I removed two for the grocery store, used one, put the remaining vouchers back in the envelope they came in and put them out for recycling. I know because I have done this before, with cheques and gift vouchers usually belonging to Dave. What a terrible Mummy Blogger I am, sullying our good name and reputation!
So, I have ONE precious voucher for a Multipack of Popsicle Tropical Fruitys up for grabs. We will do this quickly (so I don’t lose this voucher!), just make sure you Like The Best Nest on Facebook , leave a comment below and I will do a random draw tomorrow evening. If you miss out you can pick up a multi-pack in supermarkets for RRP$5.99 (though I have got them at Pak n Save for $4.99).