
Auckland Anniversary Weekend


At 8am on Saturday morning we decided we were going camping. There was a few spots left in the campground at Mangowhai Heads, so we packed up the truck and set off. Keep in mind this is the First Official Jack Family Camping Trip.

We scored a spot in the best campground ever! Families all around us, right on the water and close to the kitchen, ammenities and showers. Plus the weather was amazing, not a cloud in the sky the entire weekend!

Our campsite;

Our location was; (how did they know?)

View from the tent;

The beach at the end of Rum Alley;

Back at camp;

Clippy Pipis!

The Rum Alley Runners!
We wore them out at bedtime with rugby and ball-tiggy

Sunset at the tent;

“Catching” eels….

This would have to be Ethan’s idea of a perfect afternoon! He had so much fun with his new mates from the campsite.

Mangowhai Heads – Big Surf Day

Yup, that’s our board…. post surf
Campsite Beach

Ethan discovered that if you dance on top of the truck more people can enjoy your perfomance!
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