


Outside my window…There are 3 large pink roses
I am thinking…of Dave getting home tonight!
I am thankful for…Ethan’s fab behaviour while shopping today
From the learning rooms…Ethan practised writing his numbers today
From the kitchen…there will emerge Taco’s round 2 aka leftovers
I am wearing…My new shirt Dave bought me for Christmas, I love it
I am creating…order in Ethan’s room
I am going…nowhere!  We have already been on our shopping excursion for the day
I am reading…a textbook, I don’t recall what fiction is anymore : (
I am hoping…a bourbon fairy really does exist
I am hearing…The BBC doco The Blue Planet
Around the house…things are great, I have reclaimed most of it from ‘Ethan’s extravagent Christmas’, (he only just realized that he got a digital camera for Christmas, too many other wonderful things to play with)
One of my favourite things…is my new olive oil drizzler I picked up today
A few plans for the rest of the week:  New Years holla
Here is picture thought I am sharing…my new giant bulldog clip and pencil case from smiggle, love that shop

Daybook from  http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/

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