
Ethan turns 6!


So, I’m a bit behind with my posts but I will be trying to catch in the next few weeks.

Ethan turned 6 at the end of November, in fact the whole month was one big massive countdown.  Bigger than 5 was and bigger than Christmas this year.  Turning six means so many things to him, most importantly the onset of wiggly teeth!

Ethan has had a great year, he has nailed school and has proven that he is a brilliant student with many strings to his bow.  He has so many friends we can barely keep up with the parties, he consistently places top 5 in all sporting events and genuinely enjoys participating in school activities.  He has also been through some massive changes throughout the year; my miscarriage in April was pretty devastating to him.  He so badly wanted to be a big brother, and being in the room with us during the ultrasound when we found out must not have been easy.  He is stoically accepting of the fact that Grandad is sick, he puts up with being shusshed all the time when he needs to be quiet (which must be so hard for a little boy), and generally just gets on with life.

We love you so much Ethan and are more proud of you than you know xxx

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