OK. Before we begin, let’s clear the air: yes, I know it’s completely ludicrous that I am sharing a post on the inter webs about how I sewed pillowcases {possible the easiest, most beginner sewing project of all time?}. However, I am a complete novice and I give you permission to laugh yourself silly over my wee project here. Go on, let it out!
Ethan loves flannelette pillowcases. Never, ever since he was 18 months old has a cotton case touched his sleepy head. I purchased him a new duvet cover from Cotton On in black and white with orange piping but there was no flannelette to be seen. Luckily Ye Olde Spotlight is on the cusp of trendy flannelette prints and these two seemingly non-complimentary fabrics actually look quite smashing together – to my quirky eye at least. Feel free to admire those non-lined-up seams, they are a thing of beauty!
Nix likes to snuggle into pillows so I wanted a cool pillowcase for his cot but didn’t want to pay mega bucks for that one with the bear on it that all the cool kids of bloggers have ::: I think it’s actually compulsory for your baby to have that pillowcase and I missed the memo, shit ::: But how do you like these stylish flannelette numbers?? As my mum would say, a blind man would be glad to see these right? right?
I had fun sewing these up, I really, really like to sew. I also really, really like looking at fabric and imagining………
Thanks to my Instagram girls for helping me trouble shoot the old Globe 877, a wee tension problem {i.e. me not knowing where the tension knob was} set me back for a few minutes, but the bobbin was soon whirring away again. Slowly whirring of course!
Apr 23, 2014 10:26 pm
they look great. I used that fish fabric last year too – such a great print, if it wasn't flannel I would have made myself a dress in it. Well done you!
Apr 24, 2014 8:16 am
I love these more than I can say! Nice work (and lined-up seams? So overrated!). I also missed the memo about the bear pillowcase…might have to check that the cool kids have my correct details 😉
Apr 24, 2014 8:58 am
Those fabrics are amazing! They look great together. And lined-up seams are overrated, anyway. 😉
Apr 24, 2014 10:02 am
Funky pillowcases! I love the fabrics you've used.
Apr 24, 2014 10:43 am
visiting from show and tell. I think that you blog about anything you want!! I hve blogged about pillow cases too. I love these. Did you get the whale fabric from spotlight too??? I seem to miss the memo on a lot of patchwork stuff. i am just not groovy enough…. sigh (or too damn tight fisted to fork out the money!!!)
Apr 27, 2014 4:07 pm
Hi Karen! Yes the whales were from Spotty too, thanks for visiting x
Apr 25, 2014 8:35 am
I didn't even know there was a pillowcase that the cool kids had to have – ummmm maybe my kids are too old – yes that's it – yes
LOVE your pillowcases and sorry yes I did have a wee giggle in the first paragraph coz pillowcases were form 1 project BUT I'm not sure I would still know how to do it – care to give me a lesson?
These look GREAT and I'm loving that you're loving sewing
Apr 25, 2014 8:36 pm
Everyone starts somewhere- pillowcases today, who knows what you'll be sewing tomorrow! Love your fabric choices, such fun funky patterns! Well done!
Apr 26, 2014 9:15 am
Haha I'd be blogging about it too! Heck a make is a make i say! Be out and be proud! They are awesome and yup yup yup, way cool and smashing and oh so comfy! Go you! And wahoo for having you join in! xx
Apr 28, 2014 8:46 pm
Oh they're lovely. Makes me want to whip up a few… but really I'm pretty lazy and I doubt I will!
Dec 24, 2014 1:14 am
The fabric with a whale design is so cute, where did you buy this fabric? My son loves whale print stuffs I'm sure he'll love this pillow case.