
A very serious wtf moment


Ethan and I were walking up to Starship Hospital today to visit my cousin when we happened upon a very strange turn of events, take a look…..
I mean, what exceptional judgement. When I lose control of my car in the future I am totally going to do it in front of Auckland hospital, I mean who else gets parking like this? All jesting aside, it was a small miracle that all the suffering patients were able to limp off the wall where they were sucking down their cigarettes and get out of the way.

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  1. Aug 7, 2010 9:53 am

    Loosing control? Looks like (s)he just tried to park as close to the entrance as possible… No? 🙂

    • Aug 7, 2010 11:15 am


      I know right! Lol

  2. Aug 8, 2010 2:00 am

    Thats funny shit x