It’s amazing how much one can actually manage to cram into a day but still not find the time to take a shower! Not that anyone notices. Dave is away for the second week this month so we are floundering around, manless up in here without our handsome leader.
Actually we’re pretty sweet lol.
Day two of my ‘working week’ was pretty much like Day 1 and like Day 1-5 of the week before; the off-to-school/breakfast routine, morning chores and FB phafffing, an impromptu decision to leave the house before Nix and I lose the plot completely, a couple of hours meandering around a park or playground – preferably involving checking out diggers at close range cause you know how much I love hanging out around a bunch of construction workers right, RIGHT? Then we haul ass home so my babe doesn’t fall asleep in the truck {so help me god he must nap in his cot otherwise he will only sleep for around 30 minutes, and ain’t nobody got time for a 30 minute nap!}.
This is where things unravel. When Nix napped earlier in the day I sat down and I blogged, almost every single day. Now he doesn’t go down until 1-1.30pm, at that time I find my brain full of all the things I didn’t finish in the morning, or things I need to begin before the after school madness of Ethan’s life commences. Damn kids and their needs……..
So, here I sit at 10.30pm, trying to blog and not really succeeding.
- No running at all this week, it’s too hard to fit it in with Dave away, the only thing that is making me feel slightly better is that I still got my 10,000 steps today and also no alcohol – even with Dave away and mummy-stress!
- My new, very large tattoo is itching like hell, I think I’m done now. I love what I have but no more.
- I went to an amazing cooking class on Sunday and learnt how to make dumplings!
- My 10 year old lost a tooth today! So weird, it’s been a long time between tooth fairy visits in our house but I think she can probably squeeze in another one.
- Nix outdid himself tonight with the mother of all tantrums. He wanted to mow the lawn in the front yard, which Mum had already finished mowing. There was still the entire back half of our section to go, but you know, toddler logic always wins. Ethan heard his brother screaming from an entire block away. For over 10 minutes! I’m sorry neighbours, but at least we’re even-stevens for that goddamn bass speaker right?
- Other hideous neighbors continue to burn household rubbish in their fireplace wtf? I pretty much have the Auckland City Council hotline on speed dial. I need to move to the middle of nowhere, when I’m unable to see, hear or smell my nearest neighbors – any suggestions?
Anyway, it’s now Wednesday {getting a blog post finished in one sitting is obviously out of the question!} and I have had a shower so all is right with the world again. Have a lovely day friends x