Oohhh January you were a little ripper weren’t you? Hot and dry as a bone, credit-card cringeworthy, the audible crash and burn of resolutions could be heard everywhere, and for me, it was the month of running. I clocked in 23 runs in January, which is approximately 100% more runs than in any other month in my life! I’m winning at something so far in 2015, even if it hurts like a bastard. I literally wake up every morning moving like a nana. My feet hurt so much for the first hour of every day I swear I’m working retail while I’m sleeping, putting in some long hours standing on concrete floors……..oh wait, that’s what I do every day at home : /
- I think that school beginning today is just SO perfectly timed. We have had a long, lovely holiday. I’ve waxed on about how fab my kids have been and bitched about their bad days, but quite frankly, it’s time to get this show on the road and get E back to school. He’s bored {despite my best efforts} and I’m bored of his boredom.
- I think I’m the only person in the world {or at least Auckland} who cared less about the NRL 9’s. League is just not my thing.
- I think this ‘rain’ needs to man up and get a bit of tank-filling muscle behind these wimpy little sprinkles. The boys don’t care though, Nix discovered the ‘rain’ last night and he and E had half an hour of gorgeous fun running around outside before bed, dripping wet and yelling ‘SPLASH!”
- I think those ISIS bastards need to be wiped from the face of the earth, thank you America for standing up to them, thank you John Key {I can’t believe I’m even saying that!} for committing troops to the effort and thank you to our armed forces for your service.
- I think my Fitbit needs to deliver on it’s 5 days between charging promise, I’m currently getting 24 hours wtf?!
- I think E has been bitten by a white tail and has what is promising to be a festering pus-hole on his ankle. Nice. Off to the doctor this arvo.
- I think Instagram is my fave social platform, I love little vignette photo prompts like the #5flatlays challenge hosted by @beaumondemama this month, my first entry got featured as a favourite yesterday!
- I think Mamas who speak their minds and aren’t afraid of going against the grain are people I WANT in my life. Jen from Mama Lion Strong is one of these fab bloggers who are writing stuff that actually matters. Unlike myself << drivel lol
Have an amazing Monday and first day child free gorgeous Mama’s!
Feb 2, 2015 10:18 am
I love your blog posts so much.
I had a little chuckle at the #5flatlays hashtag and then I looked it up and it made PERFECT sense. 🙂
Feb 2, 2015 6:54 pm
Happy Monday mama! I wish it would rain properly too I may be unpopular with that opinion, but my garden is PARCHED.
Feb 6, 2015 10:58 am
I like your blog posts. I don't think it's dribble at all! 🙂