
Things I’m Loving

Sugar Skull Tattoo

A wee bit late but better late than never right?

I am LOVING Dave’s tattoo.  The shading was finished last Tuesday so he is healing well and itching like mad!  These skulls are called Sugar Skulls and are common imagery used to honor the dead during the Mexican celebration Dia de la Muertos.  Dave and I were married in San Diego {Ethan was also born there} so we LOVE all things south of the border.

Sugar Skull Tattoo

I am so loving porridge for breakfast {occasionally}.  I forgot my standard apple and cheese last week and remembered I had a box of  Pam’s Berry Porridge sachets stashed in the work kitchen.  What a treat, CARBS!

Porridge for breakfast

These winterey mornings can be quite brutal {for Auckland}, but the afternoon drive to pick up Ethan from school can be quietly stunning.  I drive 15km to work and 15km back along an open road, through farms, orchards and much roadkill but… the vista some days is so damn pretty I have to resist the urge to stop and snap pics every kilometre or so.

Riverhead Coatesville Highway

I am NOT loving adult onesies in public, but I am loving how ghetto fab my local Countdown is that someone would actually wear this shopping.  Westies rule.

Grown Up Onesie

Finally, Sunday breakfast in bed was SO perfect as I was feeling a little under the weather, ahem.  Saturday night at the rugby club watching the All Blacks narrowly beat the Irish was a bit too nerve-wracking for my liking!

Breakfast In Bed


Things I’m Loving is hosted by Meghan at MNM’s

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.

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  1. Jun 19, 2012 8:57 pm

    Mmmm loving porridge on wintry mornings, loving the views on your drive and what is with that onesie!! Hilarious that someone would actually wear that out 🙂