Hey Melissa… cool-as blog you have here! I am guessing you are not on blogger/no following button??? I think I might have to add you to my blogrool instead 🙂 I've just discovered KiwiMummyBlogs and I am stoked to come across some other kiwi mum bloggers. 🙂
Dec 2, 2009 5:33 am
No, I am self-hosted on WordPress. Have you tried Google reader for keeping track of your RSS feeds, it's awesome! It's like a little library of all the blogs you like to read.
Dec 2, 2009 12:47 am
Hey Melissa… cool-as blog you have here! I am guessing you are not on blogger/no following button??? I think I might have to add you to my blogrool instead 🙂 I've just discovered KiwiMummyBlogs and I am stoked to come across some other kiwi mum bloggers. 🙂
Dec 2, 2009 5:33 am
No, I am self-hosted on WordPress. Have you tried Google reader for keeping track of your RSS feeds, it's awesome! It's like a little library of all the blogs you like to read.